cooper2490Jan 31, 2013Federal Court Dismisses Claims Against Errors & Omissions InsurersIn a lengthy opinion, the U. S. District Court for the Northern District of Alabama granted summary judgment to Capitol Specialty...
cooper2490Jan 31, 2013Heinz & Howard Obtain a Summary Judgement in Fire Damage CaseAttorneys Ben Heinz and Kirby Howard obtained a summary judgment for the firm’s client in a fire damage case. The firm’s client had...
cooper2490Mar 31, 2012Swann & Heinz Participate as Part of ADLA’s Deposition Boot Camp FacultyTwo Ball Ball attorneys recently were part of the Alabama Defense Lawyers Association’s annual Deposition Boot Camp Faculty. Each...
cooper2490Aug 31, 2011Swann and Watkins Awarded 2010 Partnership Excellence AwardGovernment Employees Insurance Company (GEICO) has honored firm partners Gerald Swann and Jay Watkins with its 2010 Partnership...