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Monty Montgomery Defends Two GEICO Cases at Trial


Monty Montgomery recently tried two personal injury trials for GEICO in two weeks. In the first trial, GEICO was named as the underinsured motorist carrier and forced to try the case alongside the tortfeasor. After a three day trial and a $190,000 demand from the Plaintiffs in their closing, the jury returned a verdict of $9,000 to be divided amongst the three Plaintiffs. The second case tried by Mr. Montgomery was a “straight uninsured motorist” claim. The Plaintiff claimed medical expenses in excess of $21,000 and demanded the $20,000 limits prior to trial. Mr. Montgomery presented substantial evidence of the Plaintiff’s symptom magnification and exaggeration of pain complaints. After a two day jury trial, the jury returned a verdict of $9,500. This amount represented the cost of MRI studies used by the treating physicians and a portion of the Plaintiff’s out of pocket medical bills. GEICO offered $10,000 to settle the case prior to trial.


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