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Rives Serves on Faculty of the Alabama Governor’s Health & Safety Conference

On August 26, Ball Ball Matthews & Novak partner and attorney Jim Rives served on the faculty for the 32nd Annual Governor’s Health and Safety Conference.

This conference brings together employers, employees and claims representatives from numerous Alabama businesses. The mission of this conference is to promote occupational safety and health in Alabama by providing an annual forum for the sharing of knowledge and the recognition of excellence. Jim was asked to speak on litigation, as he has been an active litigator for thirty years.

“So, You’ve Been Sued—What Happens Next?” was the topic for Jim’s service to the conference. Jim covered with attendees an “A to Z,” step-by-step walk through the litigation system, from the service of a Summons & Complaint to a final ruling by Alabama’s appellate courts. Whether Plaintiff or Defendant, the discussion focused on explaining what happens each step, why it happens, what it leads to and why lawyers do some of the things they do during certain parts of the litigation process. The goal of the discussion was to equip attendees with a basic understanding of Alabama’s litigation system, basic rules of procedure and answer those questions about why certain things happen during the pendency of a case.


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